Senka Group

Technology driven Business solutions

Who we are

Senka Group is a privately owned entity specialising in the development of technology driven solutions.

What we do best

Senka Group provides a cocktail of services, from white-labelling software solutions (Zero-to-launch) to building bespoke digital platforms based. Within our zero-to-launch portfolio is Senka's leading champion product, "Senka" - a lightweight C2C or B2C trading platform.

  • Remote support
  • Lightning fast service
  • Unparalleled up-time
  • Configuration and Maintenace
  • Location Independent
  • Solution Development


Zero-to-launch products are targetted towards businesses that need a digital platform to enhance their business processes or looking to explore new digital business frontiers.

Senka Classifieds

A multi-platform online Classifieds business comprising of an Android mobile application, Web app. and administrator dashboard to keep track of transactions.

Setup and pricing

Get in touch with us for setup and pricing details. Send us an email at tech[at] and we will get back to you.

Get in touch

Need someone to talk to? Reach out to us